This circular route through the heart of the Macizo Central of the Picos de Europa, shows us various faces of this great mountain range. The first part of the walk goes over wide trails, initially through the forest and then with views of the green hills around us. Once we climb up through the Canal de Pedabejo, its character changes and we walk through the magnificent rugged alpine scenery of the Picos, with fantastic views in all directions and over the beautiful meadow of the Vega de Liordes. Finally we descend to Fuente Dé through the Canal del Embudo, via a steep path with 40 zigzag turns and again with breathtaking views.
- From the parking lot of the cable car of Fuente Dé (1) we walk down the asphalt road towards the campsite. At the roundabout we go straight on onto a dirt road further towards the campsite.
- We now reach a white-yellow marked path, the PR-PNPE-25. We ignore a path on the left (2) and further on a path to the right and further follow the PR-PNPE-25 and ascend slowly in the forest. We ignore several side paths.
- At about 1,320 metres we reach a fork (3) where we turn right. On this wide trail we keep ascending and we ignore a number of side trails, including a path on the right at about 1,480 metres of altitude (4).
- We follow this wide trail until at about 1,550 metres of altitude, where to the right there is a path that we enter, marked white-yellow (PR-PNPE-15 and PR-PNPE-25) (5), further on signposted as "Vega de Liordes ".
- Just under 1,700 metres of altitude at the refuge "Cabaña de la Majada the Remoña" (6) we find several signposts. Here we keep left and follow the white-yellow marking of the PR-PNPE-15 for a while.
- This path further on turns to the right (7). Further on it is not marked very well so we must ensure that we keep left until we find milestones again. Further on at a small fork we take the right turn, onto the widest path (8). We keep following the wide path and end up at the crossroads of several trails (9), where we turn right and a bit further on see an arrow with "PR-PNPE-25".
- This path eventually leads us to the Canal de Pedabejo, to which we ascend through a steep zigzag path through a beautiful rocky landscape climb to the Alto de la Canal (10), where the views in all directions are phenomenal.
- From here we descend to a fork (11), where we turn right / go straight ahead. We pass the refuge "Casetón de Liordes" (12) where we go straight ahead and follow the PR-PNPE-25 to Fuente Dé.
- To our right we have a beautiful view on the meadow of the Vega de Liordes. At the end of this meadow we turn right (13) and we ascend slightly. When we are almost at the highest point of this path, we keep left at a junction of trails (14), clearly marked.
- We climb a little further and then begin to make a beautiful descent through the Canal del Embudo. This is a steep descent with 40 zigzag bends and great views over the valley and Fuente Dé, through a path that is easier than you would initially suspect when you stand at the top of the Canal.
- After a steep descent at approximately 1,200 metres of altitude we end up at the trail that leads to the Canal de la Jenduda (15). Here we turn right and we walk back to the parking lot of Fuente Dé (1).