The Peña Oroel is a peak of 1,769 metres, which in comparison with the high peaks of the Pyrenees in the immediate vicinity is low. The mountain lies very open though which makes we have a beatiful view over both the Pyrenees as well as the Pre-Pyrenees. Because the mountain is very well visible from everywhere in the city of Jaca, it is emblematic for this city. The first part of this hike to the Collado de las Neveras - a relatively steep climb of about 600 metres difference in altitude through the forest - is not that interesting, but on the trail from the Collado de las Neveras to the Peña Oroel we walk over a crest with a wide view.
- From the parking at the Parador (1) take the trail PR-HU-66, which lies at the right side of the road, clearly signposted and marked white-yellow.
- This trail takes us almost 500 metres up through a constantly zigzagging trail through the forest, to the Collado de las Neveras.
- At the Y-junction (3) we keep right.
- Through this trail we eventually reach the Peña Oroel (4).
- The way back is via the same route.