This hike starts in the tiny village of Huélamo, which is beautifully situated in front of a rock in the valley of the Júcar. During a large part of the route we walk over a wide trail that gives us a wide view over this valley. The last part we walk through a forest and a firebreak to the Pico de las Nieves, from where we have a nice view towards the east, on the Sierra de Valdemeca and further on the province of Teruel in Aragón.
- From the Plaza Obispo Cajay Jara (1) continue straight on and follow the signposts to “Área Recreativa”. At the end of the village the road turns to the left with a bend; behind it turn right further uphill to leave the village. The road now becomes unpaved and we walk past the small recreation park (2).
- We climb a bit and reach another dirt road (3) where we turn left. We follow this dirt road until at about 1,435 metres we reach a fork in a bend (4). Here we turn left. We now climb for a while until the next junction at about 1,500 metres (5). Here we go right and descend again for a while, towards the Barranco del Horcajo.
- At the lowest point a trail joins from the right (6). Here we continue straight on. We now walk for a while along the Arroyo del Horcajo and get past a trail on the left that we ignore. Directly behind it we reach a trail where we turn right (7).
- We ascend for a while through a forest until at about 1,560 metres at the Collado Aparicio we encounter a sign of the natural park Serranía de Cuenca and a stone post (8). Here to the right a bit further on we enter a steep firebreak.
- Once on top of this firebreak we walk a bit further between the trees in the same direction until we reach a wide path (9), where we turn left.
- A bit further on we encounter a wide path on the right (10). This path we do not enter though, but we need to keep left here between the trees, partially without a trail. We now need to take care to stay close to the steep face of this mountain, where at our left hand far below lies the valley. If we keep following this direction – sometimes via a visible trail, sometimes not – we eventually reach the Pico de las Nieves (11).
- The way back is via the same route.