The hike takes us for the first part along the banks of the river Escabas, which is situated in a nice gorge, typical for the landscape of the Serranía de Cuenca. On a few places we need to cross the river through fords, which slightly complicates the hike. It is recommendable to wear water shoes on this part of the hike, because these fords are hard to do barefooted because of the slippery bottom of the river and the many stones that lie in it. On the second part of the hike we climb out of the valley of the Escabas towards the charming village of Fuertescusa, from where we walk the last part back to the point of departure through an asphalt road.
- The trail starts on the right side of the road (coming from the direction Cañamares) between the first two of three tunnels (1).
- This trail descends to the river Escabas that we directly have to cross (2). At the other side of the river we continue the trail to the left.
- We now walk along the Escabas for quite some time, and we have to cross the river a couple of times through the fords. After quite a while we get at a forest trail where we keep left and continue to ascend a bit.
- Further on at a Y-junction (3) we go left onto the narrow trail, which we follow to the end until we get at a bridge over the Escabas (4). We cross this bridge and continue the path at the other side of the bridge.
- We now climb quickly from the valley of the Escabas until after some time we get at a crossing (5). Here we go straight on, after which we start to descend again.
- After a considerable descent we end up at an asphalt road (6) where we turn left, to Fuertescusa.
- We now follow this asphalt road and cross Fuertescusa (7). We walk out of the town again and keep following this asphalt road for quite a while until we reach the car again (8).