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This hike takes us over the rugged ridge "Cresta del Dragón" along the peaks Peña de la Tiñosa and EL Corralón to the Atalaya, a summit at 1,908 meters in the Sierra de Ayllón. Since the ridge is very rugged it is quite difficult to walk on the path and we accumulate a relatively large altitude difference on both the way out and back because of the constant ascending and descending.

  • From the Puerto de la Quesera (1) walk further down the road until a bend to the right (2). Turn left here but do not go through the turnstile; instead take the trail straight on relative to the road.
  • A little further the path bends to the left (3). A bit further on, still before the fencing, we turn right, onto the trail (4) towards the Peña de la Silla.
  • We go over the rock "Peña de la Silla" (5) and keep following the trail, which runs on the right side of the fence. Later we we can go to the Peña de la Tiñosa on the left, but to continue the route to Atalaya we turn right here (6) and follow the path over the ridge, which is sporadically marked with milestones.
  • We walk for a long time over this ridge until we reach a more open space (7). Here we keep left and start to descend a bit. In front of us we now see the Atalaya.
  • Further on we climb again and is the trail more difficult to find, but if we keep the Atalaya as orientation, nothing can go wrong. We also pass a fence here.
  • At the last stretch we keep left (8) and climb the last few meters to the Atalaya (9).
  • The way back is via the same route.

Route Atalaya