The Sierra de la Muela is a sandstone mountain ridge, which on the side of Alhama de Murcia stands out as a steep face against this town. The hike start at this steep side but climbs it through a road that ascends gradually. Next we walk quite some time over the flatter part on the high part of this mountain, through the forest. On the way back we get past the Mirador de la Muela, where we have a perfect view over Alhama and its wide surroundings. Via the steep and beautiful trail Senda del Collao we descend back to the Castle of Alhama, where earlier we started the hike.
- From where we parked the car (1) we walk further uphill, underneath the castle of Alhama, through a white-red marked trail. Further on we get at a dirt road (2) where we keep right/straight on. A bit further on at the left we take a shortcut to the asphalt road below. If you look carefully you can see a white-red marking here. At this asphalt road we turn right.
- The asphalt road quickly turns into a dirt road. Further on at a Y-junction (3) we keep left. Further on we get past a construction where just behind it the road is closed with a barrier, past which we walk. At the right a narrow road joins our road (4), but we keep left. Further on we pass another barrier.
- Further we reach an abandoned house, the Casa de la Garita. A bit further on in a bend with a Y-junction (5) we keep left again, further uphill. Further on the road briefly becomes paved, steeply uphill, and then turns to the left. Behind it is a fork (6) where we turn left, onto a dirt road that is closed with a cable.
- We now further climb, with on our right hand a majestic cliff face and on our left hand a splendid view on Alhama de Murcia and the A7. We get at a cable again, over which we step. We now have a beautiful view on the peaks of the Sierra Espuña. We turn to the right with a bend (7). When the path turns left again, we fork to a trail on the right (8), signposted with “Mirador del Embalse de Algeciras”.
- Further on we reach a wide trail (9) where we turn right, still in the direction “Mirador del Embalse de Algeciras”. At the next junction (10) we keep left/straight on.
- Further on where the trail twice makes a turn to the right, on the straight stretch between these two bends there is an unmarked trail on the left (11) that we need to enter, onto the Senda de la Cañada de la Sarna. This trail is slightly difficult to locate thus we need to go search for it.
- We now cross a field and at its end we keep right, towards the gorge of the Sarna. Here the trail is not always very well visible, but we just follow the bed of the stream. Finally we reach a wide trail (12), where we go left. We now walk on the Camino del Pino Grande de Muela, which is named after a big old pine tree that we pass further on. A bit past this tree at a fork (13) we go right and further on we ignore another trail on the left (14).
- Finally we reach a crossing of various trails (15) where we take the trail most on the left, signposted with “Mirador de la Muela”. We now follow this trail for quite some time and ignore various side-trails until we reach a yellow building, the Casa Forestal de la Muela (16).
- Directly behind it we turn right, onto the trail signposted with “Mirador de la Muela”. This is a short trip to a spectacular viewing point (17) that should not be missed. We walk back again to the Casa Forestal and now go right here (18), signposted with “Senda de la Cuesta del Salto”. A bit further on, just behind a bend, we go right again (19), again signposted with “Senda de la Cuesta del Salto”.
- We now walk on the white-red marked GR 252.1 and start a heavy descent. This trail eventually ends at a dirt road (20) where we continue straight on.
- From this road at a certain moment we can see the castle of Alhama again. The trail ends at a fence behind which lies a road (2). We cross the road and make the same shortcut that we made on the way out. Next we turn right and walk back towards the castle and the car.