During this hike we visit the two highest peaks of the mountains near the town of Busterviejo in the province of Madrid: The Cabeza Arcón and the Pico Pendón. Although both peaks are not higher than approximately 1,550 meters, we have a wide view on the surroundings from these tops. The landscape, which is characterized by rocks and boulders and reminds us of the landscape of the neighbouring Sierra Guadarrama, is very charming.
- From where we parked the car (1) we go left, with our backs toward the cemetery, onto the asphalt road (2) to the west. At the first opportunity we turn left onto a wide path (3).
- We twice ignore in quick succession a path to the left and climb through this path more than 200 metres until at the Portachuelo (4) we reach a fork of paths. To our left we can very clearly see the Pico Pendón, but first we go straight on, through the beautiful scenery of the nearly closed valley of El Badén.
- At the next fork (5) we can go both right and left, because these paths further on converge (6).
- We follow this path for some time. First we descend and then ascend again. At about 1,425 metres we cross a narrow path and turn right (7). The path fades away and we walk towards the valley right before us, but soon we see the path again on our right.
- This path takes us easily to the peak of the Cabeza Arcón (8). From the peak a nice path continues, which eventually will take us back to the Portachuelo (4). Here we now go straight on onto the narrow path, up to the Pico Pendón.
- To reach this peak several routes are possible on the final stretch, but the path is not always clearly visible, the terrain is sometimes overgrown and on the last stretch we need to clamber over the rocks. As orientation we of course take the peak in order to find our way. From the Pico Pendón (9) we return to the Portachuelo (4) where we turn right and walk back to the cemetery of Bustarviejo (1).