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This is a hike that can be done throughout the year; in summer because of the existence of sufficient shadow and the limited physical effort it requires and in winter because of the low altitude. At the beginning and the end of the route we walk through the emblematic landscape of the Dehesa de Navalquejigo. At the middle of the route we make a round over the Alto del Pinar, which gives us a wide view on the surrounding mountains.

  • We start the hike at beginning of the paved road and follow it until the next junction (2). Here we keep left, following the signpost of the “Senda de la Dehesa de Navalquejigo”.
  • At the next fork (3) we turn right. Ignore the next side-trail on the left (4).
  • At a bridge over a small stream (5) we continue straight on. We ignore the path to the right.
  • At the next Y-junction (6) we keep left. Further on we go through a gate and behind it at the Y-junction (7) we keep left.
  • At the next Y-junction (8) we keep right. Next we start to descend again. When we get at a Y-junction (9) we keep left.
  • Now we follow quite a while this path, which makes a round over the Alto del Pinar. This path ends at a gate (10). At the T-junction behind it we turn right again.
  • A bit further on we get at a Y-junction again (11) and turn left. We now return to the same path from the beginning of the hike, which we follow back to the car.

Route Alto del Pinar