On the way back of this hike we walk via a charming and comfortable trail through a gorge along the river Gaudalentín. On the way out to this gorge we walk over the dirt road of the AMA. First we get past the spectacular rock formations of the Estrecho de los Perales. The highlight of this hike is during the steep descent to the river Guadalentín, where we have a fantastic view on the overwhelming rock faces of the Poyos de la Carilarga.
- We start the hike by continuing in the direction that we had when we came by car, continuing on the road of the AMA. This is by the way also the GR-247, marked white-red.
- We follow this road quite some time. We reach a bend (2) with a sign “Fin de Sendero” (end of trail), but we just continue straight on here. Further on we walk past a refuge, the Casa Fuente de Acero (3) where we continue straight on, on the same path. Directly behind this refuge on the right lies another trail, but we continue straight on, which among others is signposted with “Rambla Seca”.
- After about in total five kilometres we reach a T-junction (4) where we turn right, signposted with “Aula de Naturaleza el Hornico”. We still walk on the GR-247 and quickly reach a barrier, which we pass.
- We now make a steep descent with a fantastic view on the Poyos de la Carilarga. Eventually we reach a trail that runs parallel to the river Guadalentín (5), where we turn right, still on the GR-247.
- At a certain moment the wide trail crosses the water. At the right side of the river runs a narrower trail. We can take the narrow trail as well as stay on the wide trail, since both trails further on converge.
- Eventually we leave the gorge of the Guadalentín and walk though an open plain. We reach a Y-junction (6) where we turn right. Now we no longer follow the GR-247.
- Further on the wide trail turns to the left with a bend (7). Here we can now keep following the wide trail or take the narrow trail straight on, as further on both trails come together again. If we choose the narrow trail, the route runs via various big boulders. Further on we reach another trail (8) where we turn left and next at the junction (9) we turn right.
- We follow this trail until we return to the AMA road, which returns us to the point of departure (1).