Sierra de San Pedro
The Sierra de San Pedro is a range of low mountains in the southwest of the province of Cáceres, in Extremadura. The landscape is a combination of rocky mountains, boulders, forests and dehesa. The dehesa is a landscape that can be seen a lot in the south of Spain and that is characterized by pastures that are used for cattle, and that contains small holly oaks and other low small trees that know how to survive the hot and dry circumstances.
The area is populated by many protected birds (of prey) such as the Spanish Imperial Eagle, the Cinereous Vulture, the Bonelli's Eagle, the Golden Eagle, the Black Stork and the Eurasian Eagle-owl.
Around Valencia de Alcántara more than 40 dolmens can be found, which are stone constructions stemming from the prehistory, and that can be compared to cromleches.