Terms and Conditions
These Terms and Conditions make reference to Spanish legislation, as hikingiberia.com is owned by a Spanish company.
In compliance with the provisions contained in Act 34/2002, of 11 July 2002, on information and electronic commerce services, the general information relevant to this website can be found below:
- Address: Calle Antonio López 246-B, 8-B, Madrid (MADRID)
- Registration Details: Registered at the Commercial Registry of Madrid, Volume 27.860, BOOK 0, Sheet 172, Section 8, Page M-502.139, 1st entry
- CIF (Tax Code): B-85978377
- E-mail:
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Anyone who accesses and/or uses the Portal acquires the status of a User and accepts, from that very moment, fully and without reservations, these General Terms and Conditions as well as the Specific Terms and Conditions which, where applicable, may supplement, modify or replace the General Terms and Conditions with respect to certain services and contents of the Portal.
The access to and/or use of the Portal implies that the User is aware of and accepts without reservations all of the legal warnings contained in this legal notice. The User undertakes to use the Website and its services and contents without infringing current legislation, good faith, morals, generally accepted customs and public order. Likewise, the use of the Website for illicit or damaging purposes against IBEREFFECT or any third party, or which, in any other way could prejudice or prevent the normal operation of the Website, is prohibited. This prohibition also extends to the transmission or sending through the Website of any illegal or illicit content, messages, computer viruses, etc., which in any way whatsoever could affect or infringe the rights of IBEREFFECT or of third parties. With respect to contents (information, texts, graphics, sound and/or image files, photographs, designs, etc.), the following actions are prohibited:
- The reproduction, distribution or modification of any of the Website contents, unless authorisation is obtained from the legitimate owners or such actions are legally permitted.
- Any infringement of the rights of IBEREFFECT or of the legitimate proprietors thereof.
- The use of the contents for any and all kinds of commercial or advertising purposes, other than those strictly allowed.
- Any attempt to obtain the contents of the Website by any means other than those made available to the Users as well as those normally utilised in the Internet, while the latter are allowed provided that they are not prejudicial to the HIKINGIBERIA Website.
The use of the Website shall be the sole and exclusive responsibility of the User. Such liability shall extend to the use, by the User or by a third party, of any password or similar code assigned for access to the Website or to any of its services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, IBEREFFECT reserves the right to deny or to suspend access at any time by those Users who fail to comply with the general terms and conditions contained in this legal notice or in the specific legal notices as may apply in each case. IBEREFFECT may modify the structure and design of the Website, as well as modify or delete the services, contents and the terms and conditions of access and/or use of the Website, unilaterally and without prior notice, whenever it considers such changes to be appropriate.
hikingiberia.com uses cookies to facilitate browsing through its Portal.
In general, the cookies used at hikingiberia.com are associated solely with an anonymous User and the User’s computer and they cannot read data on the User’s hard disk or include viruses in their texts. Unless you decide to leave comments on the hikes that the website offers, they do not provide references which would make it possible to ascertain the User’s name and surname. Moreover, hikingiberia.com cannot read the cookies implanted onto the User’s hard disk from other servers.
The User is free to decide whether to implant the cookies used at hikingiberia.com on his/her hard disk or not.
In this regard, the User can configure his/her browser in order to accept or reject by default all of the cookies or to receive an alert on the computer screen of the receipt of each cookie and decide at that time whether to load it onto his/her hard disk or not. You can get more information on the cookies used on this website or learn how to change the configuration, by reading our Cookie Policy.
In general, access to and use of this website does not require registration. However, certain content and services may require that you register and/or fill in a form with your personal information. Any personal information collected by hikingiberia.com in this manner as well as that taken from the receipt of user e-mail or collected while you are surfing will be included in a computerised file that is owned by the company. IBEREFFECT promises to use your personal information only within the limits established by Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Data of a Personal Nature and developing regulations.
Users can exercise their rights to access, rectify, cancel and challenge their personal data by writing to the company at Calle Antonio López 246-B, 8-B, 28026 Madrid (Madrid), indicating the reference DATA PROTECTION.
The File Controller undertakes to process the personal data of Users in accordance with the provisions established in the relevant legislation and, in particular:
- To treat as confidential the personal data of the User accessed as a consequence of the use of the Portal. Nevertheless, the File Controller may disclose the personal data and any other information provided by the User whenever so required by the public authorities in the exercise of the duties legitimately attributed to them and in accordance with the legal provisions applicable to such cases.
- To adopt the technical and organisational security measures necessary in order to prevent the alteration, the loss and the unauthorised processing of or access to such data, in accordance with Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December 2007, concerning the security measures to be applied to the files containing personal data, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, in compliance with article 9 of the Organic Law on Data Protection.
All of the information provided by the User must be true. The User undertakes to keep the data provided to the File Controller duly updated and is responsible for the veracity, inaccuracy, lack of currency and authenticity of the data provided.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is noted that the Regulation pursuant to Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December 1999, on the protection of personal data, is not applicable to the processing of data referring to legal persons or to those data files which merely include the details of the natural persons who provide their services in the former, consisting solely of their name and surname, the duties performed or positions held, as well as their business postal or email address, telephone and fax numbers.
The information provided at hikingiberia.com is provided "as is" to be used during hiking excursions by the User. The User assumes all risks, and takes full responsibility and waives IBEREFFECT of any claims of personal injury, death or damage to personal property associated with the usage of the information provided by at hikingiberia.com.
To help prepare for excursions, hikingiberia.com contains a page with precautions. We recommend you read these.